Help us guarantee recess for Washington state kids!

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • SIGN IN PRO FOR the House version of this bill: HB 1504

  • Share the following images on your social meida:
  • Sign the petition below to add your name to the list of supporters!


Recess for Washington Supporters

All Washington State students deserve equitable access to recess during the school day. Daily recess is essential and supports the mental, physical and emotional health of our kids.

National studies show state recess laws actually result in more recess, while local policies often do not move the needle. More than 20 states have state recess or physical activity laws already in place to benefit kids. Several more states are considering recess legislation this year.

I support a new state law to make sure all Washington state students receive daily recess.

Let’s make sure Washington state students aren’t left missing out on the benefits of recess!

%%your signature%%

Thank you!
82 signatures

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